Introducing MyoFascial Stretch Therapy

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Our approach

The Dragonfly Movement considers the structural integrity, movement patterns and functionality of the human body holistically. We understand that implementing healthy movement patterns are unique to each individual and therefore our treatments, rehabilitation and restoration programs include a variety of techniques including Stretch, Decompression and Therapeutics used to eliminate pain, strengthen and increase mobility.

Pain Free Recovery for Everyone

The Dragonfly Movement works with people from all walks of life with various needs. Helping people living with chronic pain issues, those wanting to gain more flexibility and for those who are more prone to injury.


In-clinic and mobile options

Gold Coast Based

Our services

  • MyoFascial Decompression Treatments

  • MyoFascial Stretch Therapy

  • Aerial Yoga Therapeutics

    Aerial Yoga Therapeutics

“Sheena was so clear about the treatment process and explained the therapy movements throughout the whole session. She always asked for my feedback as to how I felt with the stretch. After my treatment, I had no need to take any painkillers.”


Book a consultation, today.